Todays news confirms that All the Common Man Views posts till date are fact and True.
Finally i can conclude that
1. Satyam Computers is just a dot com bubble
2. Satyam computers is invoved in many bribery cases, fraud cases
3. Satyam computers doesn't have any corporate governance. All the awards given to Satyam computers can also be due to their excellence in bribery.
4. Satyam Computers is just another Tughluq kingdom ruled by modern Tughluq
It gives end to the Tughluq mode, Tughluq term, Tughluq rule
According to analysts, Satyam could face regulatory action in the US.
I don't want to explain much details, because Mr. Ramalinga Raju himself has told in his letter to SEBI. You can read it from the below link.
Satyam Ramalinga Raju Letter to SEBI
Major concern is about 50,000 employees and the biggest question why did Mr. RR did reveal the facts now, when he plans to quit Satyam Computers? Please put your comments. Even conradictions are always welcome.
Dude , why do you hate Satyam so much?:) , Whatever has happened is really bad and very stupid on promoters side but one shouldn't forgot the other side of Raju Family [His philanthropic associations & also he has created almost 3 lakh jobs (directly or indirectly)].
However failed Maytas acquisition was an attempt to convert Satyam falsified account numbers to true but God has his turn and everything went burning.
I hope & believe , a company never runs/depends on any one individual , Raju has left a bad legacy on Satyam history book but it's the team that matters. I'm sure Satyam will come back stronger than before & will reach new heights.
I really don't know if Raju can be solely blamed for this. He put one last effort to save the company by trying the Maytas deal..but it didn't get through.
Now Satyam risk delistings from each and every stock exchange exsts on face of this planet. 53000 employees and countless investors will lose their jobs/money not exactly because the Chairman was corrupt, but he couldn't accomplish something to prevent a big loss to the Satyam family, which it's now facing.
He will be loathed for his actions but at the end of the day he dared to got off from the tiger to get himself eaten by the same tiger and by so many wolves. Poor guy...
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